Monday, September 1, 2014

Sport Flooring

SEICOM Sports Parquet Floor  - Sustinente (Mantova).
After years playing on an old sports PVC floor, Sustinente Basket has now a new flexible sports parquet floor, thanks to the efforts made by the Municipal Administration together with the funds provided by Region Lombardy specifically for sport.

Sustinente Sport Club has a great past: founded in 1972, thanks to a proper Executives management over the years, a technical leadership combining enthusiasm and constant dedication & update, a major patronage of the Public Administration and the generous donation of many traders and mere sympathizers, the Club has become a sport entity within province, region and nation levels.

 The Male section began with the formation of students and has then come to play D division; the Female section started from youth and has then gradually experienced I^ Division, Promotion, C Series and ended up close to professional play in B Series.
sport-floor installation

 The Sport hall is multi functional: in the morning it's used by schools for gym activities, while in the afternoon many associations use the facility, including a martial arts Club; there are then basketball training sessions until late at night and also official games during the weekend.

The sports floor installed in the Hall is the well-known and tested model SONDRIO 1 - hevea solid wood 22 mm thickness - which offers not only robustness but also excellent flexibility and great ball rebound, as shown in the relevant EN 14904 test report.

Basketball is the main activity and also the one that gave the greatest satisfaction to the City of Sustinente. The team has actually been noted during both regional and national championships.

The blue color on perimeter and playing areas really marks the basketball court and makes it highly visible.

Sports Floors model Sondrio 1 
TOTAL AREA: 800 sqm 
REALIZATION: August 2014 
CERTIFICATION: CE - EN 14904 - FIBA level 1

Aldo Cammarata
Sales & Technical Manager 
Tel. office +39 0342 512573 
Mobile +39 340 6758368

SEICOM s.r.l. 
Sports parquet floors
Head Office: ITALY - 23100 SONDRIO - Via Stelvio, 3 
tel.+39-0342.512573 - fax +39-0342.571875
Legal Office: 20123 Milano (Italy) - via G. Boccaccio, 29 
C.F. 00418340147 - P.iva 11901920154 - CCIAA Milano Reg. Imp. N.796358


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